“Noon Peak at Waterville Valley” by Bobby Fisher of Tilton, August’s selected photo for the 2018 calendar. This year’s contest runs from April 2, 2018 through May 26, 2018.
Sister Banks, Merrimack County Savings Bank (the Merrimack) and Meredith Village Savings Bank (MVSB) are launching their annual photo contest on Monday, April 2nd, 2018. Winning full color photographs will be featured on four websites: the two Banks, New Hampshire Mutual Bancorp (NHMB) and MillRiver Wealth Management; as well as in desktop and wall versions of printed calendars for both Banks. Final photos may also be included in desk calendars, holiday cards and note cards.
Featured images will focus on people enjoying local events, such as the Merrimack County Savings Bank Rock N’ Race, the Hampton Beach Master Sand Sculpting Classic, the Nashua Rotary Rock n’ Ribfest or the Sandwich Fair. Other popular choices include people enjoying local New Hampshire venues, attractions and businesses such as the Sculpture Walk in Meredith, Canterbury Shaker Village or Granite State Candy in Concord.
Both Banks are excited to offer online submission forms for the first time. As different formats are needed for the websites and print calendars, two separate contests will be held. Participants may enter one or both, but will need to indicate the specific contest they are entering (the website, the calendar or both). A maximum of five, full-color entries are accepted with each entry. Online submissions can be made at either http://mvsb.com/photo-contest or http://themerrimack.com/photo-contest.
All photos and entry forms must be submitted before close of business on Saturday, May 26, 2018. A $100 cash prize is awarded for each winning photo selected. Winners are responsible for the payment of any federal, state and local taxes on their prizes.
All photos must be submitted in color. Hard copy entries will still be accepted, and prints should be enclosed with a corresponding disc containing high resolution full-color images in .tiff, .eps or .jpg formats. For the calendar contest, the photo dimensions should be 10” wide by 8” high and the associated digital files should be a minimum of 300 DPI. For the website contest, the images should measure 10” wide by 4.25” high and the associated digital files should be a minimum of 72 dpi (though higher is preferred) at a size of at least 1920 pixels wide x 5300 pixels high.
The names of the photographers will be unknown to the panel evaluating the work, and selections will be based solely on the suitability of the subject; quality of the photograph; and adherence to the purpose of the contest, which is a celebration of New Hampshire year round.