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Barbara Lemieux, 2016

New Hampshire Mutual Bancorp Supports Equal Pay Day

Photo Caption: Kim McDonald, VP, Employee Relations Officer (center) stands with several employees of NHMB representing sales, operations, customer service and management. Women at NHMB and its subsidiaries are employed in a wide variety of positions, from entry-level to Senior Vice President.

Meredith Village Savings Bank (MVSB), Merrimack County Savings Bank (the Merrimack) and MillRiver Wealth Management (MillRiver)- the three subsidiaries of New Hampshire Mutual Bancorp (NHMB)- have worked together to support Equal Pay Day on Tuesday, April 4th with a $2400 gift to the New Hampshire Women’s Foundation. Equal Pay Day symbolizes how far into the year women must work to earn what men earned in the previous year. Contributions made to the Foundation for Equal Pay Day have been designated to grants for economic security and financial literacy programs for women and girls in New Hampshire.

Because the average NH woman earned $0.76 compared to her male colleague’s dollar last year, the $2400 gift represents this $0.24 difference. “We are happy to support financial literacy and economic stability by donating to the NH Women’s Foundation for Equal Pay Day,” said Kim McDonald, Vice President Employee Relations Officer at NHMB. “Our companies spend a lot of time and energy ensuring our actions and polices promote fairness for all of our employees. Many women are drawn to the banking industry in general, and make up more than 80% of our current workforce. We’re proud to offer great opportunities for employment in many different areas such as technology, sales, compliance, operations, customer service and management. Women at NHMB and all of our subsidiaries are employed in a wide variety of positions, from entry-level to Senior Vice President and work in every department of our companies.”

With nearly 100 years of shared history in advocating for women and girls, the New Hampshire Women’s Foundation was established in 2014 as a result of a merger between the Women’s Fund of New Hampshire and the New Hampshire Women’s Initiative. The organization continues a commitment of advocacy for women and girls and the advancement of gender equality in the Granite State, established over the last century by the Women’s Fund of NH, the NH Women’s Initiative, the Commission on the Status of Women, the Women’s Lobby and Alliance and the Women’s Policy Institute.

The NH Women’s Foundation promotes statewide opportunity and equality for women and girls through research, education, philanthropy and advocacy. The NH Women’s Foundation believes that creating family-friendly workplaces is essential to overcoming gender-based stigmas, and is committed to economic gender equality. For more information, visit

New Hampshire Mutual Bancorp, a mutual holding company, was formed in 2013 when two New Hampshire-based community banks, Merrimack County Savings Bank and Meredith Village Savings Bank, formally affiliated – the first relationship of its kind in New Hampshire. This strategic partnership has positioned the Banks to leverage each other’s strengths as they work together to advance a shared vision of maintaining and enhancing their community banking standards and values. MillRiver Wealth Management joined as a third subsidiary of NHMB in 2015, combining the financial advisory divisions of MVSB and The Merrimack. NHMB combined assets total more than $1.6 billion.

New Hampshire Mutual Bancorp